
What Mitigation Systems Can You Install In Your Home To Prevent Radon Gas From Entering?

Radon is a natural product of uranium decay, and small amounts of uranium are nearly everywhere in the soil. The air on the inside of a home is almost always at a lower pressure than the air in the soil underneath your foundation, especially if you have an energy-efficient home. The negative pressure differential pulls radon gas from the soil into your home through any tiny opening that the gas can move through, such as cracks in your foundation. Read More 

3 Tips For Buying Fabric For Your Furniture Flipping Business

Running a furniture flipping business can be a good way to work with nice furniture pieces and to bring in a nice income. Of course, you are going to need to purchase materials and supplies, such as fabric. A few tips that can help you with buying fabric for your furniture flipping business are listed here. 1. Look for Good Deals If you can keep your own costs down when flipping furniture, then you can price your furniture at a lower price point while still bringing in higher profits. Read More 

Update Your Attic with the Installation of Better Insulated Windows

Having better-insulated windows installed in your attic can make an enormous difference in just how comfortable the attic is and the temperatures that the attic will have. If you're unsure of how to get started with narrowing down the windows for sale, it's important for you to take your time to see exactly what kinds of features can make the biggest difference in insulating your attic and making it more comfortable. Read More 

Time to Get a Head Start on Your Fall Home Preparations

Have you created your fall to-do list yet? It seems that the day you get everything on your spring-cleaning to-do list completed, the first leaf falls from the trees and it's time to start preparing the home for fall and winter. Here, you'll find a few things that you can get a jump-start on to get ahead of the game this season. Start with the Chimney Since summer will be over sooner than most want, you can start with the chimney and not have to worry about getting it done right before the snow begins to fall and everyone else is scurrying about trying to get their chimneys cleaned for the year. Read More 

What Do Home Stagers Actually Do?

If you are selling a higher-end home, your real estate agent may recommend that you hire a home staging service to prepare the home for showings and open houses. You're probably vaguely familiar with what home stagers do — they make a home look more presentable and appealing — but what exact services can you expect these professionals to carry out? Extreme Cleaning If you are dreading having to clean under the fridge or vacuum the carpet in the storage room, have no fear. Read More