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3 Log Home Myths You Shouldn’t Believe

Have you always dreamed of living in a cozy log home? What's stopping you? For many people, it's the stubborn idea that log homes are impractical or even unsafe that prevents them from considering logs as a home-building option. The problem with that assumption is that log homes are neither impractical nor unsafe – in fact, the truth is quite the opposite. While log homes are certainly less common than they once were, there are certainly enough historical examples still standing to attest to the fact that a well-built log cabin is a stable dwelling that holds up well over time. Read More 

How To Keep Pillbugs From Invading Your Vegetable Garden

Some pests like pillbugs aren't dangerous or poisonous to your family and pet's health. However, pillbugs can become nuisances in your vegetable garden when they take over. You can contact a pest control specialist to get rid of the pillbugs, or you can take measures into your own hands. Here's how you keep pillbugs out of your garden without harming them or your vegetables. What Are Pillbugs? Pillbugs or roly poly bugs aren't true insects. Read More 

Survivor: Successfully Moving With Your Teenager Edition

You've announced to your family that you will be making a move and movers are coming to pack you up. Chances are, your teenager hasn't responded with enthusiasm. To them it looks like they're about to become an unwilling participant in their own episode of Survivor. They'll be sent to an unknown place, among unknown people, and they'll have to figure out how to survive all of the challenges that will come their way. Read More 

Chimney Cleaning: Taking A Look At The 3 Stages Of Creosote Buildup

Creosote is the black residue that is left in the chimney from wood that has been burned incompletely. If the smoke from the chimney is cooled down to 250 degrees Fahrenheit, the gas will liquefy and form a substance known as creosote, which is the main cause of chimney fires. There are several different forms of creosote. For example, they can be present in liquid form, and will easily ooze out of any chimney openings or be in a more solid form and plug up pipes. Read More 

Frozen Drain Pipe? Don’t Let Changing Seasonal Weather Damage Your AC

If you live in an area of the United States that's experiences more mild or warm weather during the winter's daylight hours than cold weather, you may use your central AC to stay comfortable during those times. Once the weather becomes cold in the evening or at night, you may switch the AC back to heat. Switching your AC's thermostat back and forth can eventually cause the drain pipe to freeze, burst and thaw out. Read More