Preparing a Rental for Profits and Convenience

Choosing A New Desk For Your Office? 2 Things To Consider First

After you receive the promotion of your dreams, you might be excited to crack open a catalogue and pick out a new desk. Unfortunately, if you choose office furniture without being able to see or feel it in person, you might regret your purchase later. Here are two things to consider before you start shopping, so that your office can be a functional, beautiful space: 1: Ergonomics When you think about ergonomics, you might imagine strangely shaped keyboards or state-of-the-art chairs. Read More 

Got Hard Water? Follow These Cleaning Tips While You Wait For A Water Softening Device

Water softening refers to the process of removing magnesium, calcium, and other metal cations found in hard water. Households with hard water experience a variety of problems due to the buildup of limescale. These problems include rapid corrosion, sewage system interference, and foul plumbing. If you have hard water, the best thing you can do for your wallet and your stress level is to invest in a water softener, like a reverse osmosis or ion-exchange polymer filtration system. Read More 

Mothballs And Peppermint Oil? Why These DIY Mice Control Tips Might Not Work

If mice invade your home, you may try to get rid of them with a few DIY tips you found online. But many of these DIY mice extermination tips, such as using peppermint oil, can leave you with more rodents than you can handle. In addition, some of the things recommended, such as placing mothballs around the house, can make your family and pets ill. Here are two DIY mice extermination tips that won't work and why. Read More 

5 Tips For Coordinating Your Draperies With Your Passive Solar Heating Design

Passive solar design involves orienting your home towards the winter sun to maximize your natural energy gain. However, even if your home was not designed with passive solar heating in mind, there are severalwindow treatments that you can apply to help you save energy during winter and summer. This include installing awnings or applying reflective film to your windows. Of all of your options, new draperies are often the easiest and cheapest to install. Read More 

Protecting Your Greatest Reads: How To Pack Books Like A Pro

Although tablets and e-readers are a great way of storing a library within a small space, most Americans still prefer the real thing. In fact, print still remains as the foundation of American reading habits with only 5% of Americans switching to reading only e-books. There's something about the smell of the ink on the paper, the flipping of pages and the sentimental value of the books that still appeal to the vast audience. Read More